Good Credit Scrore


Your Credit Information Report plays a large part in the loan application process. The higher the score you have, the better, as it is an indicator of your creditworthiness. Credit scores are represented on a scale of 300-900.  

In India, the four credit bureaus that issue credit reports are  CIBIL, Equifax, Experian, and CRIF High Mark. 

➡ What is Credit Repair?

Credit Repair is a process by which an improvement in credit scores is brought about. At OZG FINANCE CENTER, here you get such services at a nominal fee whenever you need them. 

➡ The DiY Method -

Repairing your credit score is not a very difficult process if you know the right way to do it. As you know, a credit score is based on certain factors, such as your repayment habits, the number of loans/credit cards applied, the number of unsecured to secured loans, the number of hard inquiries in the past year and the credit utilization ratio. It is a combination of all these factors that determine your credit score. 

The first and foremost thing to do is to obtain a copy of your credit report and study the underlying problems that are causing a dip in your credit scores.  A credit report can be obtained from any of the credit bureaus once a year free of cost. You could also choose to get your credit score from one of the fintech companies like us.

➡ How can we help you?

We coordinate with the lender - Our backend communication team will coordinate with the lender on your behalf to resolve the issues. You would be updated on every stage of the process. 


Loan dilnaah hian i Credit Information Report hian hmun pawimawh tak a chang a ni.  Score i neih sang poh leh a tha zawk, i creditworthiness tilangtu a nih avangin.  Credit score te hi scale 300-900 ah tarlan a ni.

India ramah chuan credit report pe chhuaktu credit bureau pali chu CIBIL, Equifax, Experian, leh CRIF High Mark te an ni.

 ➡ Credit Repair tih hi eng nge ni?

Credit Repair hi credit score-a hmasawnna thlentu a ni.  OZG FINANCE CENTER-ah hian hetah hian hetiang service hi i mamawh apiangin nominal fee-in i dawng thin.

 ➡ DiY tih dan - 

I credit score siamthat hi tih dan dik i hriat chuan thil harsa tak a ni lo.  I hriat angin credit score hi thil engemaw takah a innghat a, chu chu i repayment habit, loan/credit card i apply zat, unsecured to secured loan zat, kum kalta chhunga hard inquiry i neih zat leh credit utilization ratio te hi a ni  .  Heng zawng zawng inzawmkhawm hian i credit score a tichiang a ni.

A hmasa ber leh pawimawh ber chu i credit report copy lak a, i credit score tlahniam chhan harsatna bulpui te zir chian hi a ni.  Credit report hi kum khatah vawi khat credit bureau eng atang pawhin a thlawnin lak theih a ni.  Kan ang fintech company pakhat atanga i credit score lak pawh i thlang thei bawk.

 ➡ Engtin nge kan puih theih che?

Lender nen kan inrem - Kan backend communication team chuan i aiawhin lender nen inremna siamin harsatna awmte chu a chinfel sak ang.  Process stage tinah update i ni ang.

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